When a loved one is gripped by an addiction, it’s easy for us to feel helpless and fearful. We want to wave a magic wand and make all their pain and troubles go away. While that isn’t possible, loved ones can play an integral role in an addict getting help through an intervention. What Is […]
Gambling Addiction and Treatment
Instances of gambling addictions have risen sharply over the last few years. In fact, in the United States alone, over 5 million people reported having a gambling addiction that required treatment. Gambling addictions are classified as impulse-control disorders, types of progressive addictions that can negatively impact a person’s life physically, psychologically and socially. People who […]
Effective Treatments for Various Addictions
People of all ages, backgrounds, and races can become addicted to a variety of substances and experiences. From drugs and alcohol to porn and gambling, addiction is a real problem for a significant portion of the population. Just as their personal stories are unique, so, too, should be the treatment programs available to addicts seeking […]
3 Busted Myths About Recovering Addicts
Addiction is complex. And because of this complexity, there tend to be a lot of opinions, and yes, even myths surrounding it. In my practice, I have spoken to many addicts and loved ones of addicts, and I have found the same questions come up over and over again. Unfortunately, I am also aware that these myths […]
6 Ways that Alcohol Makes Depression Worse
A great many alcoholics are also suffering from major depression. Because alcohol can feed our brain’s serotonin receptors, it can make someone feel good for a short amount of time. But eventually the person crashes and feels even worse than they did before. And this vicious cycle continues and is, unfortunately, very hard to break […]