By now it is (or should be) commonly accepted that addiction is a disease. We know that no matter how substances are ingested: by drinking, smoking, snorting or intravenously, it has an effect on the brain and the central nervous system.
We are aware that the brain is in charge of thinking, and thinking drives behavior, so we see addiction as a disease that translates to behavior. Behavior is how we express ourselves. Recovery is about changing behavior, growth. For that to occur one must know one’s self better. The 12 Steps are an undeniable effective path to that end.
Watching and helping individuals in the process of recovery has allowed me to make a connection between the need to treat the individual using evidenced based, tried and true methods which address cognitive and behavioral issues and treating the individual in a holistic manner to assist in the recovery of body, mind and spirit. Everyone can agree that a consequence of addiction is spiritual bankruptcy. Both are necessary and balance is essential.
This concept has led me to learn and practice Chakra balancing, Reiki energy, and to use Crystals to help realign the body’s natural energy centers,meridians located in key points to achieve balance and harmony after much damage had been done. Damage not only by active using but also by the emotional aftermath many experience such as guilt and shame which are notorious barriers to sustaining recovery.
Tuning into areas that need attention to facilitate further growth & healing is accessible by noticing which chakras are out of balance.We can tell when we are off by how we feel & how we act. Recovery is a program of action. We can learn how to help ourselves.
Connecting the Chakras to the 12 Steps is an effective way to benefit the healing process. Next time we will discuss the Chakras in more depth and then describe how they relate to working the Steps.